Indicators on Arizona Corporation Commission You Need To Know

Indicators on Arizona Corporation Commission You Need To Know
Commission - Definition, How It Works, Advantages and Disadvantages

Prodi Commission - Wikipedia

Human germline genome editing commission - Royal Society

County Commission - Montgomery County, AL

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the act of committing or turning over a person, group, and so on, with supervisory power or reliable order, charge, or instructions. authority approved for a specific action or function. a document giving such authority. a document conferring authority issued by the president of the U.S. to officers in the Army, Navy, and other military services, and by state governments to justices of the peace and others. the power hence approved. the position or rank of an officer in any of the armed forces. a group of individuals authoritatively charged with specific functions: a parks commission. the condition of being positioned under special authoritative responsibility or charge.

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the act of devoting or perpetrating a crime, mistake, etc.: The commission of a misdemeanor is punishable by law. something that is devoted: He was held liable for his wicked commissions. authority to act as representative for another or others in commercial transactions. a sum or portion of what has actually been paid that is allowed to agents, sales agents, etc., for their services: In addition to her salary, she will get a 20 percent commission for each sale she makes.

commission \ k-mi-shn \ 1a an official composed warrant approving the power to carry out different acts or duties b a certificate giving military rank and authority also the rank and authority so conferred gotten a lieutenant's commission in the army 2a a permission or command to act in a proposed manner or to perform prescribed acts a commission to function as notary public b a formal request to produce something (specifically an artistic work) in exchange for payment he discovered his footing as a Western artist when he received a commission in 1958 to produce two paintings William Grimes likewise a work produced by commission the play was a commission of the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis Sharon Eberson 3a authority to act for, in behalf of, or in location of another had actually summoned all the clans which acknowledged his commission T.